• When developing your child and family centered treatment plan with your clinician, a variety of services may be available for you based on your child’s medical necessity. Typically available services include the following.

  • Individual therapy for your child

  • Family Therapy

  • Case management Services
    to assist with developing, linking or coordinating with other community resources and agencies that may be involved with the child or family. Case management services also include assessment, planning, monitoring and advocating for consumers to receive needed services such as dental services, housing, employment, education and other social services.

  • Support Coordination Services
    to assist with Planning and/or facilitating planning using person-centered principles, developing an individual plan of service using the person-centered planning process, linking to, coordinating with, follow-up of, advocacy with, and/or monitoring of Specialty Services and Supports and other community services/supports, brokering of providers of services/supports, assistance with access to entitlements and/or legal representatives, coordination with the Medicaid or other health care providers.

  • Respite Services
    for temporary relief of stress on the family and to prevent further risk for the family.

  • Family Support and Training Services
    to assist the family or child with developing personal, relational, or community skills needed to achieve their goals.Specialty Services from a psychologist, occupational therapist or speech therapist to address behavioral problems, sensory deficits or skill development needs.

  • Safety and crisis planning

  • Crisis services
    available 24 hours a day from MCMHA as appropriate to stabilize and resolve crisis situations.

  • Psychiatric Evaluation and Services
    to address needs for medication related to mental health diagnosis.